Swedish Stokies’ throw-in 21 – We love swedish girls

Under rubriken ”Swedish Stokies’ throw-in” kommer vi, med ojämna mellanrum, att publicera krönikor, betraktelser, berättelser och annat smått och gott.

Jeff Peake från Stoke berättar om sitt och sin brors besök i Stockholm och Uppsala i somras


We love swedish girls

Having always wanting to visit Sweden and then when the fixtures came out for the Bruce Springsteen tour, and Bruce was playing Stockholm. I thought to myself it was now or never.

Having luck of actually getting the tickets, it was time to sort the flights and accommodation.

With a last minute hiccup with my brother Ken replacing Simon who had been taken ill it was time to go.

We arrived and settled in and had a first night wandering the bars and restaurants as you do.

A fabulous evening, summer had arrived not just Ken and myself. We must have walked about 8 miles, in and around the old town. First thought was how clean and tidy the streets were (unlike back home).

Jens had got the guys together from all over Sweden and even Norway. As the next day around 11 or 12 of us met up for drinks. A wonderful day and night visiting various bars, everyone was on top form. On a personal note it was great to meet you guys on your own soil (as so to speak).

Zum Franziskaner was a great bar, all the staffs and locals all so very friendly. We stayed for 7 nights, we walked to the arena to see The Boss, it was a great concert.

We travelled to Uppsala to watch a football game (Sirius vs Malmö) and met up with Lennart, Jonas, Jens and Dan. Fabulous place, great stadium and super friendly atmosphere.

We did the Stockholm Archipelago and went also to the Vasa museum (Sweden’s Titanic without the ice) another great couple of days.

Can’t thank the Swedish and Norwegian Stokies for making our first trip to Sweden so memorable.

Especially everyone who met up in Stockholm, and thanks to Roy (I think) for the I LOVE SWEDISH GIRLS T SHIRTS!

We will endeavour to return  


UTMP Goarn Stoke         

Jeff Peake

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